Click & Create/Multimedia Fusion Express/The Games Factory extensions

Logo of Click & Create
These extensions are NOT for Multimedia Fusion 1.0 and up.
For Multimedia Fusion extensions, click here

Big thanks to
Logo of Kliktopia
For hosting the extensions!

These extensions were made by users of Clickteam Products.
They were submitted to Clickteam's website and we only host them for archival purposes.
We are unrelated to the authors of these extensions, you may use them
at your own discretion.

Extensions that end in .ccx are 16 bit, extensions that end in .cox are 32 bit.
To use one of these extensions in The Games Factory, rename the part
that reads kc in the extension name to gf, then rename the
part that reads .cox to .gox or the part that reads .ccx to .gfx
kcext.cox -> gfext.gox
extension.cox -> extension.gox
kcext.ccx -> gfext.gfx
extension.ccx -> extension.gfx

83 Extensions Available
1000 Global
Strings Object
Add 1000 strings to your application - they are
accessible in any frame, but not across subapps.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 2/70 gstrings.cox
1000 Global
Values Object
Add 1000 values to your application - they are
accessible in any frame, but not across subapps.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/70 kc1000gv.cox
3E Modifier 3EE Allows heirachy setup of active objects, such as
pinning a child object to a parent object and more.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/40 3eactive.cox 0/61 3eactive.ccx
Advanced Game
Control Object
Mega Bites
Test up to six axes of movement, the POV cap
position and as many buttons as you want
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/60 kcagco.cox 0/63 kcagco.ccx
Advanced Math Cellosoft Adds trigonometric and general mathematical
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/69 kcamath.cox
AutoFPS Object Rabbit Change the FPS of your games, although a nasty
side-effect is that sounds don't play correctly due
to speeding up the runtime.
Contributed by
0/70 autofps.cox
Base Converter Christopher
Changes the base of numbers from/to decimal,
hexadecimal and binary. It can also convert strings.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/60 kcbase.cox
Binary 3EE Features byte shifting, such as appending,
removing, replacing and powerful encryption filters.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/60 binary.cox
Browser 3EE Opens the user's default web browser at a specified
Contributed by
0/70 browser.cox
Browser 2 3EE Open a user's default internet browser, e-mail
client, files, and directories.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/67 browser2.cox
Bullet Object Akane For making particle and bullet effects Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/69 bullet.cox
Call DLL 3EE Load and use DLLs in MMF or TGF/CNC Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/62 calldll.cox 0/62 calldll.ccx
CD Finder Michael
This can retrieve the path, serial number,
and volume label of CD-ROM drives in the system.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/40 cdfinder.cox
Chain Akane This unfinished object is supposed to create
vector lines which bounce and attach to objects.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/27 chain.cox
Clipboard Cellosoft The Clipboard Object gives you full access to read
and write text to the Windows system clipboard.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 1/42 kcclip.cox
Izzy In addition to receiving commandlines, you can
associate any file type with a program you choose.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/62 cmdline.cox
Common Dialog 3EE Calls up the common open and save dialogs for
your users.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/60 comdlg.cox
Datastore Cellosoft The Data Store Object provides a placeholder for
storing 1000 numbers, 1000 flags, and 50 strings.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/69 kcstore.cox
Dialog Object Christopher
Open various Windows input boxes and return
strings from them.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/68 kcndialog.cox
Dictonary Object 3EE Dictionary object allows you to create word arrays to us for spell checkers, dictionaries, etc. Wayback Machine 0/40 diction.cox
DirectPlay Michael
Create multiplayer games using DirectX over a
network. It is slower than MOO, but it is easier to use.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/40 dplay.cox
Direction Calculator Philip
Add extra power to MMF's built-in movements. Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/68 kcdirect.cox 0/62 kcdirect.ccx
Display Properties Mike
Change the resolution of the screen to 512x384,
640x480, 800x600 or 1024x768.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/69 kcres.cox
Display Properties
Display Properties extension translated to french. Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/67 FRRESO.cox
DMC Object Izzy This object plays music. Its sequel DMC2 plays
more formats and gives you more control.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/70 dmc.cox
DMC2 Object Izzy Play tracker modules, MP3s, and up to 32
simultaneous WAV sounds. Requires bass.dll
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/67 dmc2.cox
CMD2 (French) Cyberclic Izzy's DMC2 translated to French. Requires bass.dll Contributed by
Drag & Drop File
Izzy Detects files being dropped onto the frame
at runtime.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/62 dragdrop.cox
Drawline Object Akane This object lets you draw lines of various
thicknesses and colours.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/61 drawline.cox
Dynamic Array 1
(Global Array)
3EE DArray or Global Array is obsolete since
Dynamic Array 2 is available.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/69 globalarray.cox
Dynamic Array 2 3EE Create 1D, 2D, and 3D arrays. Features
powerful manipulation with delimiters.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/40 garray.cox
Encrypt/Decrypt GIF
Encrypts/Decrypts strings and all types of files Le fabrique mes Jeux 1/70 kcencrypts.cox
Encryption Object Mokhtar M.
This object encrypts files and strings using ASCII
rotation and fixes a issue in 3EE's encryption object.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/61 encryption.cox
Factorial Object Brian
Use algebraic factorials in MMF. It's more useful
to make a table of factorials with the List object.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/61 fact.cox
Fast Function Cellosoft Lets you create single-parameter functions, plus
you can even make functions that return a value.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/70 kcffunct.cox
Fast Loop Cellosoft Using the speed of a C loop, this object activates
an event multiple times in the instance of a "beat".
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/66 kcfloop.cox
File Encryption 3EE the first and oldest file encryption object. Developed
for encrypting INI files for games and apps.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/67 filecode.cox
Flags Master ArchMage
Allows use of thousands of flags, which
can be set on or off
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/62 kcflags.cox
Frame Count
Akane Checks for frame and more, click here for documentation Wayback Machine 0/66
Function Object Mokhtar M.
This object allows the evaluation of
mathematical strings.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/40 function.cox
INI Plus 3EE Upgraded version of the INI Object Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/50 iniplus.cox
Input Cellosoft With the Input Object, you can easily
pause your application to ask the user for input.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/65 kcinput.cox
Internal Beep 3EE Regardless of all the beep clones, this was
the first Internal Beep object ever to be created.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/59 kcbeep.cox
Item Array Christopher
Store strings and values associatively using a string
key. MMF users should use the Associative Array.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/70 kcnarray.cox
Klik & Play
Space Gravity
Clickteam 16-bit object that provides gravity for a commercial
Klik game called attraction. Never publicly released.
Old CD 16-Bit only 0/57 SPACE.CCX
Klik & Play
Clickteam 16-bit Hi-score object made for a commercial Klik
game. Never publicly released.
Old CD 16-Bit only 0/62 HISCORES.CCX
Kilk OpenGL Josh
Control a 3D world from MMF! Alien has written a
tutorial. Contains a nag screen, the code is 223655.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/68 kcopengl.cox
Klik OpenGL X Josh
The same as Klik OpenGL, but the 3D world is
displayed in the frame instead of a popup/full-screen.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/40 kcopenglx.cox
Lego Object Lego One of two objects that program LEGO Mindstorms
robots using previous versions of Mindstorms.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/70 lego.cox
Math Object Philip K.
Calculate powers/square roots, trig functions
and factorials.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/66 kcmath.cox
Message Box and
Customise and open message boxes and input boxes. Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/69 kcdialogs.cox
Modem Object 3EE Communicate with modems and create two
player modem games.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/70 kcmodem.cox
Mouse Cellosoft The Mouse Object adds mouse movement
functionality to Click and Create.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 2/68 kcmouse.cox
Mutiplayer Online
Object (MOO1)
3EE The first MOO - very outdated and unstable. Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/70 online.cox 0/61 online.ccx
Mutiplayer Online
Object 2 (Moo 2)
3EE Create multiplayer games and online applications. Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/67 moo2.cox 0/62 moo2.ccx
Palette Object 3EE Change the color palette, for day/night effects, etc.
Only works with 256 colors & Windows 95 & below.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/56 palette.cox 0/62 palette.ccx
Popup Message 2 Cellosoft This object allows you to open Windows message
boxes with OK, Cancel, Yes, No, and other buttons.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 1/69 kcpop.cox
Power Object Mokhtar M.
Raise numbers to a power (and find roots). Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/70 power.cox
PowerApp Lite Core
Open folders, files and Internet locations, display
Control Panel applets and wizards and more
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/69 powerapp.cox
PowerApp Lite
Cyberclic French translation of Core Media's
PowerApp Lite called "Super Configuration"
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/70 Frconfig.cox
Probe Lego Object Lego One of two objects that program LEGO Mindstorms
robots using previous versions of Mindstorms.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/70 probe.cox
Random Letters
Mokhtar M.
Generate random letters. Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/40 randoml.cox
Randomizer Cellosoft This unique object not only gives you greater control
over generating random numbers and event groups
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/62 kcrandom.cox
Registers Object Mokhtar M.
Read and write to the CPU registers - this also allows
interrupt calls.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/40 registers.cox
Registry Object 3EE Read and write from the Windows Registry. Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/70 registry.cox
Scrollbar Object Izzy Add vertical and horizontal scrollbars to your
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/40 scrollbar.cox
Serial Object 3EE Access Serial Communication ports. This is
a beta object that was created for a custom app.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/70 serial.cox
Simple Math
Mokhtar M.
Calculates arithmetic operations. The creator does
not see any valid reason for using this extension.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/70 smath.cox
Sliderbar Object Izzy Add horizontal and vertical sliderbars
(sometimes called trackbars) to your applications.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/69 sliderbar.cox
Square Root
Martin S. Mason Calculates square roots. Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/70 root2.cox
String Comparing
Mokhtar M.
Compare two strings and return the number of
similar or different characters between them.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/65 stringc.cox
String Conversion
Mokhtar M.
Converts strings into values by adding together
the values of each character.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/40 sconvert.cox
String Evaluation
Mokhtar M.
This takes a mathematical string and evaluates
it to a numerical value.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/40 seval.cox
String Parser 1 3EE Outdated extension since String Parser 2
is available.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/67 string.cox 0/62 string.ccx
String Parser 2 3EE Can manipulate any type of text using list tokenizing
such as delimiters, arrays, CSV, and Dynamic Array.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/70 parser.cox
Time X Object z33z This useful object lets you create any number of
timers you want and control them independently.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/70 timex.cox
Timer Cellosoft The Timer Object lets you work with UNIX
timestamps stored as seconds since Jan 1st, 1970.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/40 kctime.cox
Titlebar Cellosoft The Titlebar Object allows you to get and set the
title bar text.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/41 kctitle.cox
Tokens Cellosoft With the Tokens Object, you can separate a
string of text into a set of sub-strings.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/67 kctoken.cox
Tray Icon Cellosoft For adding icons to the Windows tray.
supports tool tips and handling minimizes.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/66 kctray.cox
Unzip it GIF
Unzips ZIP archives. Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/40 unzipit.cox
Window Focus Cellosoft The Window Focus Object allows you check
if your application window has focus or not.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/40 kcfocus.cox
Window Object Christopher Lightfoot A more advanced version of CNC's Window
Control, this lets you resize the client area.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/66 kcwnd.cox
Zip It GIF
Create and add files to ZIP archives. You can
also set a password.
Le fabrique mes Jeux 0/40 zipit.cox