Thanks for wanting to help us build the EncycloFusion!



  1. Sign up or sign in to GitHub.
  2. Fork this repository.
  3. Create or edit a page. Refer below for details.
  4. Create a pull request.


Our pages use Markdown syntax as well as some custom defined “templates” that can be used across the site.

At the top of every page, there must be some YAML metadata, which looks like this:

layout: product
title: Clickteam Fusion 2.5
permalink: /fusion/2.5/

There are 3 layouts:

  • page shows a basic page. Use Clicker as an example.
  • product shows a box on the right. Use Fusion 2.5 as an example.
  • menu shows a selection screen. Use Exporters as an example.

Some layouts use additional YAML data, please see Page Layouts below.

Permalink is the URL, take note of the existing links of where they are pointing to the non-existent page.

All wiki pages go inside the /wiki/ directory with the md extension. For media assets, see below.

Some URLs are nested, for instance /fusion/ has subpages for its versions, such as /fusion/1.5, /fusion/2.0, etc.

Media Assets

These are stored in /wiki/assets/ and then organised into the relevant subfolder. Essentially, subfolders determine the type of content and its license. See the README for details.

Page Layouts

Here are examples and all the possible combinations


Does not require additional data.


Below shows all the possible combinations. Copy and paste then tweak to what’s applicable for the product you’re editing.

image: "/wiki/assets/xxxx/zzzz.png"
image_caption: "Something to describe this image"
developer: "[Clickteam](/clickteam/)"
status: "Active / Discontinued"
initial_release_build: "Build Number / Date goes here"
initial_release_date: "MM/YYYY"
last_stable_build: "Build Number / Date goes here"
last_stable_date: "MM/YYYY"
last_beta_build: "Build Number / Date goes here"
last_beta_date: "MM/YYYY"
predecessor: "[Multimedia Fusion 2](/fusion/2.0/)"
successor: "[Clickteam Fusion 2.5](/fusion/2.5/)"
  - windows
  - windows9x
  - mac
  - linux
  - steam
  - android
  - flash
  - html5
  - ios
  - java
  - xna
  - winphone
  - en
  - fr
  - jp
shop_link: ""
support_link: ""
  - "[Link 1]("
  - "[Link 2]("
  - title: "Name of category"
    description: "Optional, text appears under title"
      - name: "Name of item 1"
        icon: "/wiki/assets/xxx/zzz.png"
        url: "/url/on/encyclofusion"
        hint: "Optional text appears under item"

      - name: "Name of item 2"
        icon: "/wiki/assets/xxx/zzz.png"
        url: "/url/on/encyclofusion"

Repeat the items as many times as needed.


    - name: "3D Actives"
      description: ""
      icon: "/wiki/assets/Extensions/3D/3d-3dactives.png"
      download: "fusion"
      dev_only: true
      hwa: true / false
      official: true
      legacy: true
        - win
        - mac
        - flash
        - ios
        - android
        - html5
        - xna
        - uwp

These are optional:

  • download: URL to download or fusion if obtained via Extension Manager
  • info: URL to get more information about the extension.
  • dev_only: Can only be used in MMF2 Developer or CF2.5 Developer.
  • hwa: true if this extension is optimised. false if unsupported.
  • official: true` if this extension is produced by Clickteam.
  • legacy: true if this extension is designed for MMF1.5 and is provided for compatibility only.
  • supported: List the platforms this extension works on:
    • win, mac, flash, ios, android, html5, xna, uwp


These are like templates that you can include on any page.

TOC - Table of Contents

Populates with headings for the page. Usually placed near the top after the first or second paragraph.

{% include TOC %}


Places a text box to the right side of the page.

{% include thumbnail
  image = "/path/to/image/on/encyclofusion.png"
  text = "Something to describe this image"
File icon when TGF1 is installed
File icon when TGF1 is installed

Creates a clickable thumbnail that enlarges upon clicking it. Multiple gallery tags can be placed next to each other.

{% include gallery
  image = "/path/to/image/on/encyclofusion.png"
  text = "Something to describe this image"


This is for drawing attention to elements of a page.

{% include alert
  type = "warning / clock / info / question"
  title = "This page is incomplete!"
  message = "Please help us finish this page."

This page is incomplete!

Please help us finish this page.

fa - Inline FontAwesome icon

Use any of the FontAwesome 5 icons and embed them inline.

This is a {% include fa icon = "laptop" %} laptop.

This is a laptop.

magazine-listing - Magazine issue listing

To populate the table, adapt the following in the page’s metadata:

  - issue: 1
    date: "October 2014"
    cover: "/wiki/assets/Clickteam/Fused/Fused_Cover_Issue_1.jpg"
    pdf: ""
    announcement: ""
      - "Item 1"
      - "[Item 2 as link](/example/)"
      - "Item 3"

For the table to appear on the page, add the following:

{% include magazine-listing %}

Folder Restructure

Inside the repository:

  • _includes/ - EncycloFusion Internals (“Templates”)
  • _layouts/ - EncycloFusion Internals (Layout)
  • redirects/ - Contains redirects from our previous site structure.
  • _sass/ - EncycloFusion Internals (Styling)
  • site/ - EncycloFusion project specific pages and assets.
  • _site/ - Auto generated on local machines.
  • wiki/ - Actual wiki content.

In most instances, contributors will be making changes and creating files inside the wiki/ folder. However, if you’re a developer looking to change the website in general, you’ll be familiar with the files in the other folders.

Further Reading

If you’re completely new to GitHub, Jekyll (for local editing) and/or Markdown, check out the following links: